Education in Faith


As a Catholic school, ÐÓ°É is dedicated to promoting and living out the values of the Gospel as clearly expressed in our Vision Statement.


The Religious Education program incorporates the Religious Education Frameworks (currently under review by Catholic Education Melbourne), which are supported by the To Know, Worship and Love texts (produced by the Archdiocese of Melbourne). The program aims to help children grow in relationship with God and supports the family as the primary educators in faith, building on the experiences of each child. Classroom teachers, with the support of the Religious Education Leader, plan units of work to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith.


Prayer and liturgy are extremely important aspects of the Religious Education program at ÐÓ°É. All members of the school community regularly participate in prayer and liturgy. The whole school celebrates Mass together at least four times during the year and each year level is also rostered to attend Mass at least twice a Term.

Each class is required to set aside Daily Prayer time first thing in the morning to set a reflective prayerful tone for the day. Prayer is also an essential part of the weekly staff meetings.

Liturgies and paraliturgies (prayer services) are planned according to the church calendar, feast days, special school events and in support of a Religious Education unit of work. The To Know, Worship and Love texts include prayer and traditional rituals for staff and students to follow. Children are encouraged to participate and lead prayers at assemblies, in classrooms during liturgical celebrations and at the Parish Mass. All classrooms have a prayer table, bibles and display religious icons and artefacts. There are prayerful displays in classrooms and around the school.


ÐÓ°É celebrates the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) and the Sacrament of Eucharist in Year 3. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in Year 6. Each Sacrament is planned and organised by the class teachers, the Religious Education Leader, the Principal and the Parish Priest. Parent Information Sessions are also organised for each of the Sacraments and aim to consolidate knowledge about the Sacrament and further develop the faith of both the child and parent. The sessions enable parents and children to learn and grow together through the information presented and opportunities for discussion. The Sacramental program ensures that the children are adequately prepared for their Sacrament which is celebrated with a Mass supported by school and parish staff.