St. Mary MacKillop provides numerous opportunities for parents and families to participate in the life of the school.
As a Catholic school, we celebrate Christ as the centre of our lives, calling us to be life-giving by the way we live the Gospel in our time.
We strive to empower our community to be people of hope for the world.
Our Catholic Culture:
- A dynamic learning community
- A welcoming and supportive Leadership Team
- Happy, enthusiatic and positive teachers committed to meeting the needs of each child
- Parent and community involvement in partnership with the school
- Pastoral policies or practices that promote self discipline and social relationships to ensure children learn within a safe, calm and gentle environment
- A Christian education within a Catholic context
- A Religious Education Program which teaches our faith as Catholics
- A Sacramental Program which prepares children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation
Community building:
Opportunities for the community to come together include:
- Attending celebrations, such as the school Christmas Carols and Picnic evening
- Reading the school newsletter to keep up to date with what is happening in the school community, noting opportunities for involvement.
- Supporting the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stall and coming together for the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day breakfast.
Opportunities for the community to involve themselves in the core business of the school include:
- Attending parent / student / teacher conversations
- Attending Parent Information Sessions, such as Sacramental Programs, Parent Helper Courses
- Helping out in the classroom and attending excursions
- Keeping abreast of the curriculum through reading the Learning and Teaching Newsletters and Curriculum Term Overviews, which outline the learning programs for your children during the current term
- Discussing your children’s school day with them, read to and with your children at home (Refer to Homework Policy in the Learning page)